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Slow Botanicals Blog

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Aug 13, 20233 min read
Slow Living Full To The Brim and Meaningful
​Discover the intentional slow life in summer. Slow living full to the brim and meaningful even if it's busy. Slow Botanicals blog.

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
May 19, 20233 min read
Better Pollinator than Honey Bees
Better Pollinator than Honey Bees. And they're so cute. This is here is a love letter to mason bees. With videos! Slow Botanicals.

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
May 19, 20237 min read
This is how you keep mason bees
This is how you keep mason bees. 12 steps to a thriving community of mason bees.

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Apr 28, 20234 min read
Become a Fairy in 5 Easy Steps
At your age, would it still be fun to make believe fairies? Did you love pretending as a kid? Do you believe just a little bit, even now?...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Apr 17, 20233 min read
Discover Best Benefits of Calendula for Skin
Calendula Flowers I grow loads of flowers and I’m in love with them all. Of course, all of them! I admit, however, some take a little...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Apr 14, 20233 min read
Tulips and Spring Soul Shine - Secret Tricks for Growing Tulips
Secret Tricks for Growing Tulips I'm obsessed with flowers. When it comes to flowers I behave like a hoarder. Can hoarding make you...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Mar 31, 20233 min read
Less lines are at your fingertips
It was spring of 2021. I was staying positive and seeing silver linings everywhere. This doesn’t mean I wasn’t in over my head. I was...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Mar 24, 20233 min read
Less Time for Better Family Time
I wonder if you can relate? My daughter and I love each other so much and I really understand her. That’s great, right? I feel lucky. But...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Oct 6, 20225 min read
An Autumn Like No Other
Our autumn so far feels more like summer than what fall is meant to be. My daily life is ruled by the rhythms of the seasons, and so this...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Sep 9, 20223 min read
Autumn is Stirring
A transition of seasons is upon us. It has become darker outdoors and I have turned on the light in my greenhouse and set the timer....

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Aug 11, 20221 min read
August is Harvest Time
August is here and that means I am in my most labour intensive month of the entire year. Vegetable, flower and fruit all ripen at a...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Jul 28, 20225 min read
What Happens in July
I really missed writing last week! The last two weeks have been very full. In my family life, the garden, and other going-ons with my...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Jul 15, 20225 min read
What's in the Weeds?
Months of long rainy weather means that more than the usual amount of weeds have popped up all over the garden this year. I use a lot of...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Jul 7, 20225 min read
Behind the Scenes in the Summer
This is what happens behind the scenes in the summer for a small business in a small town. Slow Botanicals garden grown skin care

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Jun 23, 20227 min read
Summer Starts
I have been enjoying the special quality of light that has been falling on me, as I wash and slice freshly harvested strawberries

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
Jun 2, 20224 min read
I Won't Be Waiting
For the past several days, I have kept having the uncomfortable sensation that I am waiting for something. This is unusual for me. Most...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
May 20, 20226 min read
The Parallels of Parenting and Gardening
While working the garden, I thought about how my garden tactics have changed, just like my parenting. For similar reasons.

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
May 12, 20226 min read
Life Lived in Seasons
Throughout my adult days, there have been the same threads always running through and determining how I spend my daily life.

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
May 5, 20227 min read
A Garden Story
When my husband and I first arrived in Los Angeles, direct from Montreal, with only two suitcases, I was excited to begin a new chapter...

Chwynyn Vaughan - Slow Botanicals
May 5, 20221 min read
Yay for Mason Bees!
Our mason bees are chewing their ways out of their cocoons! The mason bees - native bees to North America- transform from eggs to adult bee
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