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I have a Lilac Bush in my side yard that blooms every May. As I spend less time there than other areas of my yard, I always smell the delicious fragrance before I rush over to see cascades of stunning, purple flowers.


Once I discover these open flowers - their bloom time is fleeting - I harvest flowers over a few sunny afternoons when oil levels in blossoms are at their peak. 
I infuse organic olive oil with the tender flowers. I make lilac tea to add to the blend. A special soap.

Embellishing each soap bar with pressed lilac flowers (I press my lilacs in a heavy textbook - specifically, "History of Art"! It's giant!)
makes Spring Lilac the prettiest soap in the Slow Botanicals line 💜

Not only pretty, lilacs contain anti-inflammatory properties, meaning this creamy, sudsy soap is gentle enough for even the driest, most sensitive skin.

Feel safe using this soap if you have eczema, psoriasis or other skin issues.

Only 5 left!


Contains: Organic Lilac Flowers, Certified Organic Olive Oil, Certified Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Lilac Tea

Each bar of soap weighs approximately 100 grams/3.5 oz.

Spring Lilac Soap Bar

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