At your age, would it still be fun to make believe fairies? Did you love pretending as a kid? Do you believe just a little bit, even now? Or wish you could? I can’t wave a magic wand and grant you fairy power. I will share about how to develop a fairy point of view. (Not the sly, nasty-making fairies. Let’s leave them behind. The flowery kind). It’s pretty easy to learn how to be a fairy. Together, let's become a fairy in 5 easy steps!
Photo of a Photo - Original Photo Credit Nané Ariadne Jordan
When I was 21 or so, I fell head over heels for wild plants. Also known commonly as weeds. I jumped deep into this world. Funny thing, though, I approached it unlike other learning before or since. I think I’ve mentioned I’m a voracious reader. When I was studying midwifery, I read every book I could lay my hands on. I would save up every penny, from whatever dead end job I had at the time, and take the long bus ride to a very niche book store in Vancouver. Once there I would pour over all of the books in the birth section, carefully weighing one against the other. Again when I switched my growing focus to flowers, feeling I had veggies and herbs down, I looked up every book I could find and searched up and down the internet for the best web sites and blogs.
But wild plants were different. I wanted hands on knowledge. Well, more than hands on knowledge. I wanted to immerse myself in their land, in their ways, in their spirits. I didn’t want so much to absorb their gifts so much as I wanted their gifts to absorb me. Do you know what I mean?
Is there a single plant that fascinates you? Maybe the only plant that piques your curiosity, or the flower that intrigues you most? Perhaps you don't know anyone at all and you'll draw a name from a hat?
It doesn’t have to be wild. Pick any flower you want. I challenge you to pick one plant or flower and really get to know it in 2023. Spring is arriving so it’s the perfect time to start. (The only caveat is that you do a little book-homework and make sure your plant isn’t poisonous and that it has no contraindications for an illness you have or medication you're taking).

What plant did I start with? Of all choices, mine was Stinging Nettles. But you could pick something growing in your garden, such as snapdragons or feverfew. Or dandelion or plantain, because maybe you have more weeds than flowers? Stinging Nettles were accessible to me and that’s where I started. I began simply, by watching them grow. I made sketches. I’m no artist, believe me, but I loved the little drawings in my journal. I picked Nettles. I got stung and figured out how not to get stung. I put all my attention into the Nettles, they seemed to like me better when my thoughts didn’t wander away. I engaged in one-sided conversations in my head, and when I listened enough this didn’t necessarily sound one-sided. Back in my kitchen, I made lightly steeped teas and also stuffed mason jars full and made hours-long infusions. I drank both. I checked in on how I felt. I took note of both physical sensations and emotions. I ate Nettles fresh, cooking them like spinach. I dried nettles to put away for later use.

I kept on watching her grow, all season long. I took notice of her flowers and watched her teensy seed clusters form. At first I looked down on Nettles and then I looked up to her as she grew tall. I still observed as she died back and went to sleep for winter.

She became a close companion, like a new best friend. I felt like her fairy. We’ll always be in my heart - she's not prickly to me. She only needed to be understood. When I did finally dive into books and in later years, research online, I wasn't starting with the vocabulary of medical terms or herb-speak. I was traveling in my knowledge from the inside out. I was deepening a relationship, seeing her from other perspectives. Now I know her well. But like any friend, I will never discover all of her secrets. She'll never stop intriguing me.
Would you like a flower of your very own, to fairy around with, too?
Imagine if you picked one plant or one flower this year. How would it feel if you knew someone well? If you could know her by more than just her name? I challenge you to plant seeds or buy a plant for your garden or for a pot on your balcony. Or make it easier and pick a weed that grows in the cracks of your sidewalk. Pick only one. And please get back to me. I’d love to listen to your story. To learn from the voices you've heard.
Photo of a Photo - Original Photo Credit Nané Ariadne Jordan
And that’s how you become a fairy!
Looking forward to being with you again next week.
All my best,
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it was so helpful