Years ago, I jumped in a cab, expecting the ride to go like any other. I don’t remember where I was going - it was twenty years ago! It was pretty typical for me to get into the front passenger seat. Back then drivers preferred it. It seemed respectful. Less servant-like. Because of where I was sitting, I looked at him while he spoke, and I can still recall just what he looked like. This is remarkable. What made the most impact on my memory was the wise expression he wore on his face. More important than this is what he said.

The cab driver told me a piece of his history. When he moved to rainy, gloomy Vancouver, all the way from his home in India, he sank into a deep, lonely depression and stayed there for years. It was a time of torment. He couldn’t possibly feel worse. He had little hope left. But then suddenly he found his answer. My driver was really excited to share this with me. To tell me he woke one day and knew exactly how to heal himself.
That was a special day. He explained that he sat still, turned his eyes inward, and searched for the deepest, darkest place he could find. He found what he was looking for and described it as a dark cave hidden far away. This was the place where his misery first began and then it spread its tendrils everywhere, wrapping and blackening everything inside him, everywhere. Once he found where he was looking for, he visualized the absolute brightest light he could and he shone that light straight into the bleak darkness, attempting with the little energy he had to light it all up. There wasn't much light the first time, but it was something. That day a little gimmer was left on its own when he went back to the regular routine of life. Every day he came back with his focused beam of light and each day the light glowed a little stronger when he left to put his attention back on his day to day. (He was a regular guy, with a regular life, and he couldn’t very well sit around meditating all day!)
Finally, he was able to illuminate all of the darkness. Everything blazed like a star inside. He said his depression lifted. He's immensely grateful. Every day he goes back inside to shine the light. He said he's happy, since he took back his life. He thinks this is our regular state. How we're meant to be. From the sparkle in his eyes, I could see he told the truth. I’ve never forgotten his story. I think he’d be glad because he wanted his story to spread to everyone. He wanted to show a way. Obviously, he was a healer.
I often think about his story. What started as an insignificant cab drive became monumental. A short cab ride left me changed forever.
Over time, I realized this is what flowers do for me. They’re a bright light source. My brightest light source! Scientific research backs this up, too. Having flowers in your home or office decreases anxiety and stress. People even self report they feel less depressed after a few days with flowers indoors. That's powerful. On top of this, being around flowers saw people increase their close contact with friends and family. Pretty amazing!
Not surprising.
Flowers emerge out of the darkness of the soil and grow on the light of the sun. Next to my family, what I’ve dedicated my life to most is growing flowers. I feel wonderful joy when people walk or ride by my garden and take in through their eyes, this power of light that's pouring out of my flowers. I know that everyone feels a little lighter and a more open in their hearts when they go by. Even more, I want them experience what I do. When I look into a flower blossom, I know I’m looking into the best of my soul. I feel connected with everything I want to be, with everyone I am. I can better accept the trials of life and I feel all my love. I feel all the love. I feel the light of the flowers pouring into even my darkest spaces. I get to feel peace even where if hurts the most.
I believe this is why you give flowers to ease grieving, why you let the flowers express love on your behalf, even and especially when you can’t find the words. Flowers emerge out of the darkness of the soil and grow on the light of the sun.
I love to surround myself with flowers year round. Simply, I want to feel this good every day. I want to see into the best of my soul...even on the hard days, the dark days, the rainy days, the days of grief. And on the calm days and bright days, too! Flowers every day.
I have flowers for you, too. If you'd like to see the flowers I grow and transform for year round joy, visit. All the time I’m making new natural wreaths from dried flowers out of my magical garden. As these natural wreaths sell, I update my shop with new wreaths. As one of my customers shared:
“As a keeper of one of your wreaths - I can say it is still just as beautiful two years later.” KP, Washington State
Natural wreaths ship easily. I’d love to send you one.
May is mental health awareness month. May we all shine light into our own dark spaces and practice compassion with ourselves as well as others.
Give the light of flowers to everyone you love!
All my best to you, Chwynyn PS If you're just skimming, May is mental health awareness month. There are surprising mental health benefits from real flowers: lowered stress, anxiety and feelings of depression. More connectedness, too. Find out for yourself. Visit the shop and get real flowers that last all year long! Message me to sign up for a weekly flower arrangement made for you. They can cross the border :) Sign up for my Newsletter and enter to win a jar of skin cream designed for you!